“How much money do I need to save for retirement?” This is the single most-often asked question by the vast majority of individuals when it comes to planning for retirement. Whenever I am asked during an initial...
It may sound like a hard reality, but most Americans are stressed about their retirement. In fact, according to Gallop, 63% of survey respondents were moderately or very worried about having enough money for retirement in 2022. This number was up substantially from 54% in 2019, indicating that financial anxiety...
If you’re having money problems, someone on TikTok has a solution. Between “cash stuffing,” the “100 envelope” method or the “no-spend” challenge, there’s no shortage of suggestions to better your financial standing. “The gamification can be...
Who likes losing money? Wait, not you? Then rushing to sign up for Social Security while you're still earning a paycheck probably isn't the best idea. The program is more complicated than a lot of people realize, and there are a bunch...
Your credit score is a very important number to know and understand. The terms on just about every credit card, personal loan or mortgage you apply for are influenced by those three little digits. Lenders look at your credit score as shorthand to determine how risky or reliable you...
Tax benefits on 401(K)s should be axed in favor of higher Social Security payments, says a report co-written by a former aide to President Clinton. Alicia Munnell, who served as an assistant Treasury secretary from 1993 to 1995, claims retirement pots with tax breaks disproportionately benefit the wealthy. She made the...
Becoming a millionaire is totally possible. Yes, even if you aren't making six figures a year. The bad news is, it might not happen until you hit retirement, and even then, it'll only happen if you plan diligently throughout your working life....
If you save up $6 million by age 50, you’ll position yourself for a long, comfortable retirement. However, you’ll still need to navigate taxes, income calculations and economic forces, all of which can create financial pressure during your golden years. Here’s how to turn your $6 million into a...
Make a date to discuss it A big problem couples have with money is not discussing ( or lying about) it. Change that by making “the talk” a priority. “Communication is so important within a relationship to set up these budgets,” said Brian Wagenbach, a certified financial planner with Charles Schwab. “If...
Most people are used to living with debt. Retiring in the red is another story. Maintaining enough cash on hand to cover recurring bills with interest is harder on a fixed income and adds another obstacle to the challenge...
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