Nearly everyone wants to save as much as possible for retirement, but doing so is a lot easier said than done. Only 28% of baby boomers think they’re doing a good job of financially preparing for retirement, according to a...
Having a variety of investments has always been considered a sound portfolio practice because it ensures that when one investment declines, you’ve at least got a chance of having something else that gains. But blindly following even a good rule of thumb can do more harm than good. That’s what behavioral...
Retiring on Social Security alone could leave you really cash-strapped. That's because those benefits will only replace about 40% of your pre-retirement wages if you're an average earner, and most seniors need about twice that sum to keep up with their expenses.
So, you’ve finally committed to getting serious about saving and investing. Congratulations! Over time, even small steps, thanks to the power of compound interest, can reap big rewards in the long run. But if you’re just starting out, it can be hard...
Building a healthy credit history can take years of dedication and managing finances well — something that the typical college student may not have under their belt. Since the average student enters college in their late teens, they don’t usually have a credit score or significant financial history yet. Depending...
Once you receive a retirement plan distribution, then you have some planning to do. One part of that planning is deciding how you are going to roll over the funds into any new vehicle(s) and begin to enjoy the fruits of your labors. The IRS website nicely summarizes the main reason why many...
Do you enjoy your money? Surprisingly, many people don't actually enjoy the cash they work so hard for because it's a source of stress. This is especially true if you worry about how you're going to pay your credit card bills or whether you'll have...
Even in a strong economy, it's possible to lose your job. Sometimes it's your own fault, and in other cases, you get laid off or your company goes out of business for reasons that have little to do with you. No matter why you are out of work, it's important...
Amidst the rising inflation and global uncertainties, investing has become the need of the hour. While Millennials and GenZ are experimental with their money compared to the previous generations, it's very important that it is channeled in the right direction with...
So you’ve left your job and want to move assets from your workplace savings plan to an individual retirement account. You may want to pause before doing the rollover. If you’re not careful, you could make costly errors or...
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