The U.S. economy is predicted to slow in 2019. But that doesn't mean your personal finances have to take a hit. According to a Fidelity Investments survey, almost one-third of Americans plan to make a money resolution for the new year, with 48 percent planning to save more and...
Are you spending a fortune on your children? It may be time to rethink some of your habits. Raising children is by no means an inexpensive prospect. Between food, healthcare, clothing, activities, and childcare, the costs can really add...
Despite the pandemic, most Americans still feel optimistic about a comfortable retirement, but inflation is the top concern among those who aren’t as prepared. That’s according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Greenwald Research 32nd annual Retirement Confidence Survey polling 2,677 workers and retirees in January. “Even with the concerns...
It's annual enrollment time! And here's a modest proposal regarding the subject: It is fairly routine, when one spouse has no or poor healthcare coverage with their employer, or is not employed at all, for the other spouse to include her (or him) in his (or her) healthcare plan. Employers sometimes...
Retirement planning is part savings, part guessing game. While many of your day-to-day expenses will remain the same, there are big-ticket categories that can take a large bite out of your savings. The more you can plan, the better prepared you'll be to weather the costs. Here are four expenses...
Did your credit card limit unexpectedly decrease? If so, would you believe the good economy is the reason why? Capital One and Discover, two of America's largest credit card issuers, recently announced a tightening of credit card limits despite the strong economy. Both companies cite risk management as the reason. While...
A new study suggests that the power of positive thinking could also have a positive effect on your bank balance. The Motley Fool reports: A whopping 90% of optimists say they’ve saved up for a major purchase,...
Many people made the New Year’s resolution to start investing. Make it happen. Sign up for the 401(k) at work; or if you are already signed up, make sure you are using it to your best advantage. Here’s a...
"Nobody could have ever figured this would happen to all of us," Kelly Storms said. She's a single mom to two children and has been working as a hairdresser since she was 19-years-old. She used to think of herself as happy and...
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