If you're nervous about investing in the stock market, you're not alone. According to a recent Gallup Poll, only about 55% of Americans own stock, whether it's in the form of individual stocks, mutual funds, or in a 401(k) or IRA.
What does it mean to be frugal? The word frugal sometimes has a negative connotation. However, being frugal just means being intentional with your money. If you find ways to spend less money on certain things, you will save...
Key Points Many baby boomers are on the cusp of retirement.A recent survey reveals what older workers have socked away for their senior years, and it may not be adequate. Many seniors today rely heavily on Social...
It sounds morbid, but when you’re shopping for a life insurance policy, insurers want to know the answer to one question: What’s your life expectancy? That’s because life insurers take on a financial risk by covering you. The higher...
It’s not easy to put a price on your life. There’s a lot to consider to find out how much life insurance you need, including whether or not you have kids, a working spouse, a mortgage or other debt, and savings or...
You may not think of your 20s as a prime opportunity to get a handle on your finances. After all, your 20s are when you’re most likely to earn the least yet owe the largest amount of student debt. But if you get into certain smart financial habits when...
Since its debut nearly 40 years ago, the 401(k) has emerged as one of the premier tools to save for retirement in America. In fact, when we poll 401(k) participants across the country, the majority of them consistently say it’s their largest...
Retirement may seem like a faraway goal, especially if you still have a few decades left before you can even think about leaving your job. That can make it challenging to save, because it's tough to tell whether you're on the right track. It's particularly difficult because everyone has...
Did you know that you can make money by taking surveys online from the comfort of your own home? It's true. While you won't get wealthy doing it, based on the time you spend, you could earn a few hundred to...
You can claim Social Security benefits at any time between the ages of 62 and 70. Your claiming age affects the amount of money you get each month. And since your check size changes based on when you get your first payment, your choice of when to start benefits...
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