It could make a big difference in determining when you decide to claim your benefits. One of the biggest decisions you'll make while planning for retirement is when to claim Social Security. Most...
America’s happiness just took another hit. On Wednesday, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, an initiative of the United Nations, released its well-respected “World Happiness Report,” and, once again, Finland tops the list. The report ranks 156 countries by how...
Go out to dinner with nearly any group of millennials and wait until the bill comes. Either everyone will pull out their credit cards, or one person will grab the check while the others take to their smartphones and use an app to transfer their share to the payee. The...
Retired workers who start Social Security after full retirement age will get a bigger payout than those who claim early. Social Security checks are the largest source of retirement income for most Americans, so current workers should...
Does visualizing success help you achieve success? It certainly does in some cases. Successful athletes such as Tiger Woods and Muhammad Ali are known to have visualized their successes years in advance. People in other fields have also used visualization as...
Investing for big-time growth doesn't have to be risky. Investors who want to turn $100,000 into $1 million will need patience. Even if we assume a window of 30 years to 10x your portfolio, that would require an annualized growth rate of 8.33%. Still, plenty of growth stocks have beaten...
Saving for retirement is an essential goal for many Americans, but achieving the ideal savings target remains elusive for many. In 2023, the average American retiree had about $170,726 in retirement savings, a decrease from $191,659 at the beginning of 2022....
The standard advice on emergency savings has always been three to six months’ worth of expenses or income. That was a tough–if not impossible–hill to climb for millions of Americans even before the virus when the economy was roaring. Then, COVID-19 proved...
Mike Milojevich, certified financial planner and a principal and lead adviser at Highland Private Wealth Management in Bellevue, shares five tips on preparing for retirement from the standpoint of someone nearer retirement than not, the context being within roughly five to 10 years of that (hopefully) magical time. Know Your...
If you apply for a mortgage, lenders are going to look at your credit score. If you have bad credit, they may deny you a loan entirely. Or they may charge you a higher interest rate if they are willing to allow you to borrow at all. This can...
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