In cities like Tacoma and San Jose, the median home listing price has skyrocketed over the past year as the housing boom rolls on. But in other markets, listing price growth has stagnated. In six of the nation’s 100 largest housing markets, the median listing price has remained unchanged or...
Oprah Winfrey has her hands in so many aspects of media it's hard to keep track. But she didn't build her empire overnight. It took years of hard work and effort to get to where she is today, and to accumulate an...
The pandemic brought on the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Even with the promise of new vaccines, public health experts don't expect life to go back to normal anytime soon. The economy started to...
Chocolate or vanilla? Coke or Pepsi? Cheeseburger happy meal or chicken nuggets, and so on. We Americans love choices. Retirement is no different. As we head into unchartered waters, as a tax attorney, it’s clear that our tax choices in building our retirement...
Ready or not, a stock market crash is coming. Although we'll never know precisely when a crash will occur, how long it'll last, how steep the decline will be, or (in many instances) what the catalyst for the decline...
Gen Zs aren’t easing into the travel market — they are exploding into it. Despite their youth and comparatively low income, more than half of American Gen Z adults are frequent travelers, having taken three or more leisure trips in the past year, according to the data research company Morning Consult. That’s because traveling...
When Verizon Wireless started disconnecting rural customers for using too much data, the nation's largest wireless carrier described them as extremely heavy data users who were costing the company money. When the disconnections began in June, Verizon told Ars the customers "are using vast amounts of data—some as much...
For most of the last century, 65 has been considered the standard retirement age in the United States, but that doesn’t mean most Americans actually retire at that age. In 1992, for example, the average retirement age in the U.S. was 62 for men and 59 for women, according...
Students across the country are heading back to school — some amid a heat wave. Recent research suggests that could make it more difficult for them to study. For many of us this time of year means weekends at the beach and evenings at the pool, but for America’s students,...
Social Security serves as a lifeline for the millions of seniors who rely on it to pay the bills. If you're eager to make the most of your benefits, all the while avoiding unwanted surprises at present, here are a few key mistakes you'll want to steer clear of...
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