How much you should be saving for retirement is an age-old question that just about everybody wants to know. While the answer has a lot to do with when you plan to retire and the type of lifestyle you...
Nearly 42 million Americans work for small businesses. Just 14 percent of small employers offer a retirement plan, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office. What's worse: Most workers without a workplace plan have no retirement savings, U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta said in a press conference this week. The...
When you spend too much, a sense of shame or regret can overwhelm you — and even hold you back from your financial goals. On the other hand, not spending on the things or experiences that bring you joy can cause a sense...
It used to be that you were locked into airfare when buying a plane ticket — and there would be hefty fees for any changes to your itinerary (up to $200 and the difference in fare, according to Thrifty Traveler). But...
Most people can't wait for retirement, and even more would likely opt for some form of early retirement if they had the opportunity. Whenever you ultimately decide to cut down your time at work or leave the workforce altogether, you need to...
Q. We are trying to figure out the safest, smartest way to lower debts in retirement. My husband had two unexpected surgeries last year and he stopped working. He took Social Security early but now he is back at work. We owe...
As an entrepreneur, your work is such a big part of your life that it may be hard to imagine not doing it. But if, like many people, you are planning to keep working past 65, a recent study from Boston College’s...
I’ve got to start this by saying retiring is a very personal decision, and if you can retire early and leave a little money on the table that’s completely ok. The age you are ready, financially and emotionally, is a big part of retiring well, but it’s smart to dig...
Taxes are due early next week and, if you don't file and pay your taxes, you could face some consequences. Everyone's tax situation is different, but here are some of the things that might happen if you don't submit your 2017 tax returns by the filing deadline of Tuesday, April...
Anew idea for addressing Social Security’s looming funding gap proposes that Congress eliminate tax advantages for 401(k)s to come up with funds to continue paying retirees’ benefits. Ending certain tax preferences for retirement plans could correlate to a $185...
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