DETROIT – Many people either have experienced credit card debit or know someone who has. Having a large amount of credit card debt can severely damage your credit score. The average Michigander has $5,400 in credit...
Age brings unique opportunities and obligations, including some important year-end tasks that can help you make the most of your money. For people 50 and older, here are some to consider:  PLAY CATCH-UP, IF YOU CAN  If...
It all started with the cryptocurrency boom in recent years, but blockchain technology is about far more than investing in digital money. A slew of new crypto projects has popped up, trying to capitalize on what has become known as the "decentralized...
This past year has been a rollercoaster for a variety of reasons, but the stock market has had a phenomenal run recently. Since the market bottomed out in March 2020, the S&P 500 is up by around 114%. Some...
Every American needs to work on preparing for retirement, as Social Security alone isn't enough to live on, so you'll need savings to supplement it. Unfortunately, a shocking number of people haven't taken one of the most basic steps in getting ready...
In case you hadn’t noticed, inflation is at a 20 year high. Gasoline prices have jumped 40%. Houses are up 30% in many spots. A new car costs an average of $40,000-plus. And this may be the new normal, according to some...
Envisioning a retirement by the beach, or with a relocation? It all takes planning, and there are plenty of tools to help with that. Retirement Tip of the Week: If you’ve decided to get serious about planning for retirement,...
Inflation, the rising cost of everyday items, has been on everyone’s minds lately from investors to policymakers to borrowers. The reason it matters to borrowers is that inflation can lead to higher interest rates on every kind of debt, including student loans.
Ah, the single life. You can do as you like. There’s no need to deal with a spouse who has opposing views, a different vision of retirement. A spouse who spends too little or too much, or has difficult relatives, problems at...
We all get sentimental from time to time, but unless you hit the lottery or found true love, you probably won't be looking back on 2021 all too fondly. The COVID-19 pandemic is still with us, inflation is rising, and ABBA, inexplicably, dropped a...
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