Having good personal finance doesn’t mean you have to make a lot of money. One of the most common complaint is that people feel they cannot save money because they do not earn enough. Though many families are living pay check to pay check, there are some small and...
If you are faced with the opportunity to buy an already established business, there are many things that you need to consider, and questions that need asking, before you sign on the dotted line.
This is the view of Mary-Anne Greisdorfer, an associate director in the audit division of BDO...
Are you ready to face up to your financial responsibilities at the beginning of a new year? You probably haven’t given it much thought, but it is likely, if you’re the average South African consumer, that you found 2017 hard going on your finances.
Not only did the past year...
Santa was not so kind to your friends and relatives this year, so you felt the need to fill the gap. You overspent on holiday gifts, and now you are stuck with a significant amount of holiday debt. Gratitude from gift recipients is a great feeling, but gratitude is...
If you are planning a family holiday, or even if you are going on a solo trip, you probably already know, or have some idea, what your holiday is going to cost you. However, have you considered whether the contents of your home is adequately insured while you are...
Monitoring your credit score would also help you to build it over time through responsible credit behavior.
Your future financial situation will be a direct outcome of the financial decisions you take today. A poor financial decision or mistake has every chance of severely impacting your future. Here are the some...
As new year’s resolutions are still at a high, people are still striving to lose weight, have a more positive attitude, and, of course, save money. Saving money isn’t an easy task for anyone, as we all spend money every day.
Saving money and living on a budget is something all college...
Nearly 47-million Americans rely on the federal food assistance program. But a new study found it does not cover half of what healthy diet costs.
Stephanie Thomas wanted to make healthy meals for her family, but it was not easy on a tight budget.
“I had to get the cheaper brand,...
Instead of giving up on budgeting, you can look for reasons why your budget your budget is not working for you and find solutions to your budgeting issues.
You might have a budget but it might keep failing. Creating a budget is easy but sticking to the budget is the...
The world’s its oyster
Danny Vena (Netflix): While having a portfolio packed with dividend payers can be an important part of any retirement plan, including an element of growth will help ensure those funds will endure. Choosing a company in the early stages of a global opportunity might fit the bill.