Everyone needs to save money for buying property. But in order to save for your new home, or to borrow for that home, you will need to budget for it. And this budget only gets harder as your family grows. The following are four basic budget tips that will help...
Although it may seem like common practice for adults to create a household budget, just 35 percent of people are active budgeters who follow a strict budget and don’t regularly overspend, according to a recent Willis Tower Watson survey. “A budget that provides for regular saving and investing will pave...
Did you make a resolution to save money for you and your entire family? If so, trying to find different ways to stay on a budget to cut back costs can be a challenge. Getting everyone on board is the only way to do it. From slashing your grocery...
You can substantially lower your monthly expenses and save money without making sacrifices, according to Better Business Bureau Serving Connecticut. Start by taking a hard look at how much you spend each month or year on fixed costs such as your mortgage, entertainment and communications. “In many cases, all you have...
To help you and your family make all the right money moves for 2018, financial planner Lex Byers offers 3 key tips that could help you grow your 401(k), avoid financial ruin and adjust to the new tax rules signed into law by President Trump. “In the ever changing financial...
Commuting to work and travelling in your leisure time is becoming increasingly expensive as trains fares and petrol prices rise. Take a look at our tips below to see where you can save some cash Many people will be looking for ways to save money following weeks of eating, drinking...
Kids can learn the value of a dollar. Give them an allowance, then tell them that they are responsible for decisions about how to save or how to spend their money. Many financial planners agree that it’s fine to give children some kind of weekly or monthly stipend, but with...
Paying less than you owe to creditors sounds like a good deal. But debt settlement isn’t what it seems. If you’re considering working with a debt settlement company — which negotiates with your creditors to accept less than what you owe — look beyond the marketing pitches. These programs have...
These are four of the most important things you can do to live a financially healthy life. A general personal finance rule is to avoid credit card debt at all costs. It’s typically better to finance something with a personal loan, home equity loan, or even a 401(k) loan than...
People go to extraordinary lengths to save up for a Big Trip. There are the small things -- like taking a miserable ham sandwich to work every day instead of eating out, or letting your hair grow a little more shaggy between cuts -- and there are the big...
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