If your child going to college this year, now is the time to start stocking up on needed supplies. Here are 9 tips to save you some money because when it comes to college, every little bit helps! Please share any others you have, as well. 9 Ways to Reduce...
Lots of people around the world aren’t prepared for retirement, as my Bloomberg News colleague Suzanne Woolley ably explained recently. There’s one obvious solution to that problem: Postpone your retirement. A recent academic study called The Power of Working Longer, cited in the New York Times, finds that working just...
The government says Medicare's financial problems are getting worse and Social Security's can't be ignored. Tuesday's report from program trustees says Medicare's giant trust fund for inpatient care won't be able to cover projected medical bills starting in 2026, three years earlier than previously expected. Social Security will become insolvent...
The gray-haired couple sipping champagne on a beach at sunset. Grandpa teaching the grandkids how to fish at the family lake house. Are these scenes of carefree times in retirement based on financial reality? According to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics data, which is based on 2016 figures, “older...
Each year, countless seniors graduate college with a mountain of debt. If you’re sitting on a big fat pile of loans, you may be resigned to the fact that it’ll take a decade or more to shake that debt. But maybe not. Though the standard repayment period for federal...
Travelling on a budget doesn’t have to mean you have to compromise on the fun stuff. These seven easy travel hacks will save you money, without scrimping on what really counts: time off in the sunshine, with your feet in the sand. 1. Venture off the beaten track Booking a trip...
A flat-rate cash back credit card is a great choice for anyone who wants to save big without having to worry about strategic shopping or taking advantage of specific rewards. But some flat-rate cards are better than others. To determine which one is the best, CNBC Make It analyzed the...
Many Americans look forward to summer, not just for the warmer weather but for the opportunity to get a break from the grind. Summer is among the most popular times during the year to take vacation, and last year, many of us weren't shy about getting away. In 2017, Americans...
Leaving the workforce isn't the sort of decision you make on the fly. Rather, you'll need to assess your savings and career before you determine whether the time is right to call it quits. More importantly, you should have a plan mapped out for retirement -- what you'll do...
Millennials are still sitting on a mountain of college debt. Student loan debt has steadily increased over the past decade, with total debt reaching as high as $1.4 trillion in 2017, ballooning into the country’s second-largest source of consumer debt behind housing. A report from the Brookings Institute shows that a...
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