Self-made billionaire and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett's steadfast optimism has grown his following over the years — and he even uses specific words to achieve his success, according to recent analysis. Thanks to his leadership, the legendary investor has inspired upwards of 160 other billionaires to promise to give...
Apple launched several new products and features for iPhones and Macs at its annual developers' summit on Monday, but one of the biggest improvements for many iPhone users was buried in the fine print. Apple has developed a new and improved dark skin for the iPhone, which it's calling "redesigned invert...
Russian leader urges American executives to support Trump Anti-Russia ‘hysteria’ is like anti-semitism, Putin says Russian President Vladimir Putin said he wouldn't judge U.S. President Donald Trump for withdrawing from the Paris climate-change agreement. He spoke during a panel at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. (Excerpt. Language: English...
A year after the Leave vote, Britain’s capital is scheming to dominate global finance, Europe be damned. Thirty years ago, London’s Isle of Dogs was a barren expanse of abandoned wharves and crumbling warehouses, never recovered from the wartime attentions of the Luftwaffe. Even the names of nearby boat basins...
Ask Mark Zuckerberg about the accomplishment he’s most proud of from his days at Harvard University, and the answer may surprise you. It certainly isn’t inventing Facemash, the website that eventually became Facebook (FB). “Priscilla is the most important person in my life, and the most important thing I built in my time...
Paul Singer of Elliott Management isn’t sure exactly what hell on Earth, or Wall Street, will look like, but he’s got billions stockpiled for when it does Some say the world will end in fire, but hedge-fund honcho Paul Singer wants to be ready to pick up the pieces. Billionaire investor...
U.S. consumers spent $21 billion on bottled water last year Bottled-water consumption in the U.S. hit 39.3 gallons per capita last year, while carbonated soft drinks fell to 38.5 gallons. Americans now drink more bottled water than soda, but some environmentalists say it’s worth highlighting there’s a hidden cost to buying...
This is where life expectancy is longest (and shortest) for Americans ‘Geographic disparities in life expectancy among U.S. counties are large and increasing,’ a new study finds. Photo: Kristen Bell in ‘The Lifeguard’ (2013). How long you live may depend on where you live. Life expectancy at birth for both sexes combined...
Gold on Friday traded at their highest level of the month, setting prices up for a third weekly gain in a row as a fresh round of geopolitical jitters offset expectations for higher interest rates, which would otherwise be bearish for gold prices. Investors were watching North Korea, this weekend’s...
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is thousands of miles away, but his policy agenda faces tests back home this week as he looks to shift the focus from Russia investigations to his plans for boosting American military power and revamping the tax code. The White House on Tuesday will roll...
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