When Doug Anderson retired as an electrician at the end of 2016, he worried he would run out of money. So he put himself on a miserly spending plan. A financial planner disagreed, however, and assured Anderson that his pension and savings would be plenty for a lifetime. In fact,...
Savvy husbands and wives spend a lot of time coordinating when to start taking Social Security to maximize their total benefits. But it’s just as crucial to plan for when that income is slashed after the first spouse dies. One silver lining in Social Security is that no matter which spouse...
The typical millennial has absolutely nothing saved for retirement, according to a recent study released by the National Institute on Retirement Security. More precisely, 66% of millennials have zero socked away for retirement. The median savings among the remaining 34% is $19,100, which puts the vast majority of my...
How much money is in your checking account? Here’s why it matters—and what it might say about you. Markets are experiencing another period of volatility this week, and new research suggests checking account customers are doing something that indicates they don’t feel as secure as they would like about the...
In cities like Tacoma and San Jose, the median home listing price has skyrocketed over the past year as the housing boom rolls on. But in other markets, listing price growth has stagnated. In six of the nation’s 100 largest housing markets, the median listing price has remained unchanged or...
With T-Mobile and Sprint opting to merge and promising lower prices, wireless wars are starting to heat up -- but consumers don't have to wait to start saving on their wireless bills, according to experts. On Sunday, the two titans reached a $26.5 billion merger agreement to take on rivals...
Saving more money is one of those broad goals everyone sets for themselves, but with so many tips and tricks out there, it can be hard to know exactly where to begin, especially when the temptation to buy a new pair of sneakers is always looming in the back...
When deciding whether or not to invest in a company, billionaire Warren Buffett looks for businesses that will continue to have a competitive advantage decades down the line. This "buy and hold" strategy is why Buffett says long-term investors in Apple shouldn't obsess over iPhone X sales. "Nobody buys a...
Of the many things that can ruin a good credit score, paying your credit card bill late is one of the more common. But if you do find yourself with a late fee, there's something simple you can do: Ask your card issuer to waive it. That's according to financial...
THE prospect of being free from your monthly home loan payments might seem like a distant dream. But if you're clever with your cash, everyday savings on bills and shopping can be put towards extra mortgage payments so that you'll be debt-free sooner than you think. We'll show you how you...
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