Despite countless television ads touting the virtues of retirement planning, it seems many people are not getting the message. According to a survey from, one-third of Americans have nothing saved for retirement. The picture is not any rosier in Canada, where Statistics Canada reports that just 65.2 percent...
WASHINGTON — The Education Department’s plan to provide only partial relief to some students defrauded by for-profit colleges could reduce overall payments by about 60 percent, according to a preliminary analysis obtained by The Associated Press. The agency announced in December that it was discontinuing the Obama administration’s practice of...
Proposed legislation to help over-indebted consumers might prove to be a double-edged sword, discouraging consumers from managing their credit responsibly, the Banking Association South Africa (Basa) warns. The organisation was referring to the draft National Credit Amendment Bill, which was published by Parliament’s portfolio committee on trade and industry last...
Including these things in your budget will make it easier to track your spending better and get your spending under control. When creating a budget there are some important things you need to include in it. Your budget should not only include the bills you pay and the basic essentials. Life...
Nearly a month into a new year, many are turning their focus to implementing financial habits to set themselves up for success and stability. That’s why Valley of the Sun United Way is working to end the cycle of poverty by offering community members a comprehensive list of tips on...
Tough economic conditions are expected to persist this year, and many South Africans need guidance on how to build financial security and avoid tapping into savings and taking on debt. Despite this need for advice, only 13% of employed South Africans who live in metropolitan areas have a relationship...
A survey conducted by the University of Pennsylvania a few years ago asked respondents to rank their strengths in 24 different skills. Self-control was at the bottom of the list. This is bad news for all activities that require self-control to achieve a goal. Investing is one of them. We...
Get your finances in shape quickly with these simple strategies. Switching banks can help you save money by avoiding hefty fees. Taking steps to achieve financial health is just like setting a goal to lose weight – it doesn’t happen overnight. Setting yourself up for financial success requires time, dedication and maintenance. Still,...
The idea that spending more on preventive care will reduce overall health care spending is widely believed and often promoted as a reason to support reform. It’s thought that too many people with chronic illnesses wait until they are truly ill before seeking care, often in emergency rooms, where...
The most common ways when you discuss how to save income tax is through life insurance policy or investments. In addition to these, there are several other ways to save taxes. Here are four tax-saving tips. Investments Investments are often used to invest today in order to achieve returns in the...
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