If you're currently on the job hunt, you may have already put some time and effort into cleaning up your social media profiles. It's a smart move: Approximately 70% of employers admit to looking up potential employees on social media. Maybe you've deleted some questionable photos from that college...
If you're getting ready to tie the knot, you may be wondering if getting a prenup – a legal document that determines how assets will be divided and protected in the event of a divorce – is a smart financial decision. And you wouldn't be alone. According to a 2016...
Have you been ignoring those credit card offers that arrive in your mailbox each week? If so, reconsider slam-dunking them into the circular file... especially if you have credit card debt you'd like to eliminate. Sound counterintuitive? A balance transfer may be the quickest way for you to pay...
Sometimes, investing can seem tricky, if not overly complicated. That's because there are no shortage of investment opportunities for Americans to choose from. In no particular order, you could buy: Stocks Corporate bonds Treasury bonds Banks CDs Real estate Mutual funds Hedge funds Index funds Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) Precious...
According to the latest data from the NY Fed, total consumer debt is now at an all time high of $13.2 trillion. That equates to an average of over $40,000 owed by every single American across mortgages, student loans, auto loans, and credit cards. So much debt can certainly...
Financial fragility doesn’t always present the way most consumers’ imaginations tells them that it will. The most common perception people have of the financially-fragile customer aligns most closely with either the “On the Edge” consumer profile or the “Shut Out” profile described in the PYMNTS/Unifund Financial Invisibles Report. And there...
Life insurance is intended to replace lost income, pay off debt and leave an inheritance after the death of a loved one. But for Americans with disabilities, getting this important financial protection can present a challenge. "I have a 21-year-old son who can't get life insurance," says Lisa Bamburg, co-owner...
The Bank of England on Thursday raised its base rate for only the second time in a decade, inching it up from 0.5% to 0.75%. What impact will it have on your mortgage, savings and the property market? How will it affect me? The direct impact on most people is minimal....
It's easy to see the appeal of starting a small business. It can be a path to the American Dream, and along the way, it gives entrepreneurs a shot at controlling their own destinies and creating something for themselves and their families. So it should come as little surprise that...
These days, having an adult child live at home is relatively commonplace. As of 2016, 15 percent of 25- to 35-year-olds were living in their parents' home, according to a 2017 study from Pew Research Center. For many well-meaning parents, welcoming their adult children home means helping them manage a...
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