You're doing everything you can to prepare for retirement. You're contributing to your 401(k), you've got a rough estimate of your retirement number, and you've thought about when is the best age to finally leave work for good. Chances are, though, you're still forgetting about one thing that could significantly...
Everyone makes mistakes with money, but the stakes are much higher later in life. As you get older, and closer to retirement, it’s important to be very careful with your finances. A misstep, if it’s not corrected in time, could put you way off track and negatively impact your...
Creating a budget can be difficult for single parents. Making ends meet is hard when you are single and have kids. Aside from a roof over your head, you also need to consider buying food and clothing for you and your little ones. Budgeting for your children is important, especially...
Having spent decades building up their nest eggs for retirement, they recognize the power of long-term financial planning and hope their children will capture the same benefits by starting to invest while they are young. Convincing someone just starting off in their careers to set aside money for retirement —...
Tens of millions of people rely on the money they get from Social Security to make ends meet in retirement or if they become disabled. Most people anticipate when they'll be able to claim their retirement benefits, looking forward to their 62nd birthdays as the first time at which...
Not all retirement planning is time intensive. Here are five steps you can take — even during a busy day — that will help with saving for retirement. 1. Open a Roth IRA: You contribute after-tax money, which grows tax-free, and withdrawals in retirement are tax-free, too. A Roth is a great...
$1 million might sound like enough to retire with today, but by the time you reach your last day of work, it’ll be worth less than you might think. The reason is inflation, and it affects how you plan for the future. Here’s a look at what inflation is and...
On the surface, credit scores are simple: You take a specific action, and your score changes to reflect it. However, the types of actions that cause positive changes versus negative changes aren’t always so intuitive. You might do something you assume is harmless or even beneficial to your credit, only...
The internet is home to lots of bad financial advice, from outdated tips given on forums to ill-conceived strategies parroted on blogs, Reddit and in chatrooms. For financial professionals, a few pieces of often-repeated advice are especially wrong and especially popular. Read on for the worst advice financial professional see...
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, once Americans reach age 65, life expectancy is an additional 20.6 years for women and 18 years for men. Women are living longer and therefore more is needed to cover expenses during their retirement years. Statistically, women lag behind men...
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