The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) unexpectedly delayed a vital cargo launch to the International Space Station just an hour before the rocket was scheduled to lift off. The agency has not yet provided a new launch date or an explanation for the delay. The mission had already been postponed...
As employers phased out traditional pensions, 401(k) plans were introduced to fill in the gaps. Named for the subsection of Internal Revenue Service code that allows for them, these accounts have become the primary retirement savings vehicle for many people. The tax benefits of traditional 401(k) plans are important. For...
The Americans who can least afford it are spending the highest percentage of their income on what the folks at Bankrate describe as "financial vices." People in the lowest income bracket -- those earning under $30,000 a year -- spend "an average of $2,118 annually on restaurant food, prepared...
You can plan for it, dream about it and try to visualize it, but there's no way to tell for sure what retirement will be like for you until after you've actually pulled the trigger and left the job. As you contemplate this major life change, remember to prepare...
While many Americans are aware that health care expenses will be significant during retirement, it can be tough to decipher exact amounts to set aside for medical treatment. Four out of five workers have not calculated how much they will need for health costs in retirement, according to a...
Thanks to tax reform, many Americans will see their tax bills go down in 2018. The marginal tax rates have gone down, and the Child Tax Credit has doubled, just to name a couple of the changes that should put additional money back in the pockets of millions of...
For those unaware, your credit report is a snapshot of your entire credit history -- that is, all of the credit cards and loans in your name, along with details on payment history, previous judgments, and bankruptcies. Having a good credit report is as essential to securing a loan...
As millennials get older, their financial ambitions mature too. TD Ameritrade's recent "Millennials and Work" survey found that the average amount millennials (defined, in this case, as those aged 21 to 37) say they need to earn be happy has risen $30,000 since 2016, jumping from $50,000 a year...
Contributing to an employer-sponsored 401(k) plan is an effective way to save for retirement: You get significant tax advantages, the money is automatically taken from your paycheck before you have the chance to spend it and, often, companies offer a match, which is essentially free money. Consistent contributions can even...
No other type of investor is more dependent on dividend stocks than retirees. Americans who have moved beyond their working careers count on the additional income from their investments to supplement Social Security checks and other income streams, like pensions, that they may have. Retirees look for dividend stocks...
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