Historically, personal-finance experts and policymakers haven’t worried much about the debt borrowers take on to attend graduate school. Conventional wisdom goes that a graduate degree will give these borrowers enough of a boost in the labor market to successfully pay off their debt. But a report released this week by...
The average Social Security retirement check was recently $1,417, and the maximum check topped out at $3,698. That's a big difference, and if you'd like your own Social Security benefits to be closer to the latter than the former, read on -- because there are ways to get more...
With more than 10,000 people turning 65 each day in the U.S., a common question I encounter as a certified financial planner is, "How much can I spend in retirement?" The answer to that question is complex because it is mostly determined by six interdependent variables: Investment account balance ...
If you are a salaried employee, you're probably entitled to a number of workplace benefits, some of which you may have the ability to elect yourself or opt in and out of. The time to choose those benefits is none other than open enrollment season, which typically takes place...
The vast majority of older working Americans don't have sufficient savings to retire full-time at age 65 with their pre-retirement standard of living. That's one of the sobering conclusions from the recent Sightlines report issued by the Stanford Center on Longevity (SCL). As a result, the report noted, workers approaching...
Getting fired is pretty much every employee's worst nightmare, but if you're the person responsible for the decision, it's a tough spot for you as well. Firing a worker can result in a host of repercussions, so before you make that termination official, ask yourself these questions first. 1. Am...
Most everyone has heard of a 401(k), but few people are familiar with its lesser-known cousin, the 403(b). The two accounts are similar, but there are a few key differences in eligibility requirements and contribution limits that it pays to understand. Here's a quick look at what a 403(b)...
It is prudent to have insurance, but it is also smart to have the right amount of insurance for your needs. If your car is over-insured, you are simply giving away money to the insurance company, and regardless of how nice your insurance agent is, you can probably find...
Working from home can be isolating and distracting. You have nobody around you during the day, and being surrounded by your stuff can divert your attention from what you have to do. Coworking spaces offer an alternative for at-home workers. Instead of renting an office -- where you would still...
If asking for a raise were a less daunting prospect, perhaps more people would do it. But it takes guts to talk money with your boss, which explains why 56% of employees have never done so. Still, when it comes to braving the salary boost discussion, men seem to have...
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