If you’ve been looking to make the math work on an early retirement, you just might get your wish. Drugmaker Pfizer recently announced a buyout offer for long-time employees, and experts say this could just be the start. This year, 300 positions have been voluntarily eliminated by U.S. employers. While...
To save enough for a secure retirement, you typically need to put away around 15% to 20% of your income. Chances are good you aren't doing that right now. In fact, it may seem impossible to save that much -- especially if you're one of the millions of Americans...
If asking for a raise were easy, perhaps more workers would step up and do it. But getting in front of your boss and requesting a salary boost means subjecting yourself to a potentially awkward conversation, and one that might damage your relationship in the event it goes poorly. Still,...
Historically, your financial adviser's job is to help you reach your financial goals. You want to retire, travel, or buy that vacation home? Set your goal and we will tell you how to get there. This approach has left many people unprepared for the realities of a traditional retirement...
Ten years ago, I was a full-time teacher who loved what he was doing -- but I was slowly burning out. The hours at my particular school were demanding, and my wife and I barely saw each other. We needed to make a change. That led to a life-altering decision:...
I used to scoff at those people who flew first-class because it just seemed extravagant. But now I get it. If you have a problem that money can solve, you don't have a problem. In my experience, high-earners tend to be extremely disciplined about using their money to solve their...
Self-made millionaire and co-founder of AE Wealth Management David Bach wants young people to buy homes. "I don't want you to wait. I want you to be thinking about buying real estate sooner versus later," he tells CNBC Make It. That's because homeownership is "the ultimate escalator to building wealth,"...
Today Sarah Michelle Gellar is an actress, co-founder of organic-baking kit company Foodstirs, wife to Freddie Prinze Jr. and mom to two young kids. But In the 1990s, Gellar was a teen icon. Even then though, she was refreshingly responsible with her finances. Gellar, 41, has been acting since she was...
Those who don’t have a traditional pension — and that includes most of us — are frequently envious of those who do. What could be better than a guaranteed paycheck that lasts as long as you live and is unaffected by the vicissitudes of the stock market? There’s another way: Create...
One of the hardest things about investing is finding ways to save money to invest in the first place. Even with the economy looking better and unemployment near historic lows, many workers still live paycheck to paycheck, and that makes saving a huge challenge. Sometimes, the best way to save...
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