Retirement is a huge financial and lifestyle decision. Retiring successfully takes more than just telling your boss you're not coming in anymore. You need an end-to-end plan that will get you through a time period that may well measure in decades during which you'll no longer be drawing a...
It's no secret that money is a major source of contention in many relationships, so much so that it's currently a leading cause of divorce. But while many U.S. adults might turn to their partners to help pay the bills or provide a dose of much-needed financial security, they're...
Many American workers plan to rely on Social Security benefits as a steady source of income in retirement. Yet if you are not on top of things, you are at risk for not using the right claiming strategy. And if that happens, you could leave thousands of dollars on the table...
IGNORANCE ISN'T BLISS when it comes to the U.S. tax code. Failing to fill out your tax return correctly, even if you make an honest mistake, isn't going to earn you immediate forgiveness from the Internal Revenue Service. "When you sign your tax return, you’re signing it (to say) that...
Gone are the days when employees could work for the same company for years on end and have a pension to look forward to in retirement. These days, most major companies don't offer pensions (last year, only 16% of Fortune 500 companies did), leaving employees with no choice but...
Curb spending without compromising on a high standard of living in 2019. With the start of the new year ushering in a clean slate, now is a perfect time to revisit financial goals and strategize ways to maximize savings. But aside from determining where to cut back unnecessary spending, it's...
Giving a gift card is often seen as a cop out — but maybe that’s because so many gift cards go to waste. Gift cards are the second most popular holiday gift, with around 56% of purchasing one this time of year, according to data from the National Retail Federation,...
Businesses say risks to their bottom line from climate climate add up to tens of billions of dollars. That may seem like a lot, but their actual risks to business are at least 100 times higher, according to a study just published in Nature Climate Change. Trillions, instead of...
Just take the middle-aged couple facing a financial double-whammy, with few dollars saved to put their children through college and little if any money banked for retirement. For financial planners, it is an increasingly common scenario, with college maybe the only thing Americans do as bad a job of saving...
Getting rich starts with paying yourself first, says self-made millionaire and wealth manager David Bach. In short, that means, "when you earn a dollar, the first person you pay is you," he writes in his bestselling book "The Automatic Millionaire." More specifically, if you want to retire rich, he says,...
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