For many workers, there's nothing better than a raise to kick off the start of a new year. But if your financial resources are limited, boosting workers' pay may not be an option this year. Still, that doesn't mean you can't show your appreciation in other ways. Here are...
Though working from home certainly has its benefits, it's not for everyone. In some cases, not being physically present at the office could thwart your career progress and make it more difficult to do your job. There's also the loneliness factor to consider -- working remotely can be isolating,...
A new year means a new opportunity to set yourself up for a financially secure future. Here are a few key moves to make for your retirement over the next 12 months. 1. Assess your savings Though there's no magic savings number that guarantees financial security in retirement, as a general...
If saving money were easy, we'd all have more-robust bank accounts. Unfortunately, most Americans are glaringly behind on savings, and the reason boils down to -- you guessed it -- overspending. In fact, 10% of U.S. adults admit to having spent too much over the past year, according to...
Today's workers crave flexible job schedules for many reasons, such as achieving a more ideal work-life balance or better managing family-related responsibilities. And employers who offer their staff that flexibility are often rewarded in the form of hard work and increased output. But here's another reason why it pays to...
Budgets only work if you stick to them, and smart budgeters leave themselves some wiggle room for discretionary spending, or budget in some "mad money" to use as they see fit. In many cases, however, people make budgets that reflect an optimistic version of themselves. Your budget should reflect...
Saving money doesn’t have to be complicated. And it doesn’t mean you have to give up your daily Starbucks. CNBC Make It has rounded up five easy savings tricks that can help you pad your bank account in 2019 without feeling like you’re sacrificing. Automate everything If you want to save more...
Gerri Detweiler, a credit expert and education director at Nav, a small-business financial management platform, discusses credit scores. QUESTION: FICO recently announced a new credit score called UltraFICO. How is it different from the traditional FICO score? ANSWER: Traditional credit scores rely primarily on information from the credit bureaus. UltraFICO also looks...
The United States tax code has generally been pretty generous with homeowners, but things changed a little bit with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Now some homeowners may face higher federal tax bills for 2018 than in previous years -- and in some cases, that bill will be...
There are plenty of important social programs in this country, but none takes the cake like Social Security. Each month, close to 63 million people receives a Social Security benefit check, many of which are senior citizens. For these aged beneficiaries, more than 3 out of 5 rely on...
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