With the new year in full swing, now’s a popular time for businesses to advertise open positions and get serious about meeting their staffing needs. The problem, of course, is that hiring can be a cumbersome, time-consuming affair, and a costly one...
Many people are getting their 2018 year-end 401(k) statements about now, and they’re probably seeing significant declines in their account value for the first time in recent memory. If this happens to you, should you be concerned? The answer: It depends.
Retirement regrets Retirement is often depicted as a golden phase of life, but the reality of retirement doesn’t always shimmer. More than half of retirees have retirement regrets, according to a 2018 study by Global Atlantic Financial Group. Whether you’re...
Handling your personal financial management needs online is just a sign of the times. Whether it’s using financial management software on your laptop or turning to a mobile option to handle your budgets, debts, and investments, digital downloads are the...
Retirement is an exciting time that most people look forward to throughout their working lives. However, many Americans’ retirement is put in jeopardy by common financial mistakes they make once they leave the workforce. And these mistakes can have serious consequences, leading...
Your home isn’t just your castle; it is also a source of tax deductions. Yet, every year, Americans let these potential tax deductions pass by, not realizing how to take advantage of them. Complicating matters, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of...
Here’s something we haven’t heard in a long time: whispers of a looming recession. And those in the know think it could start in 2019. We agree. While the economy seems to be powering ahead, there are troubling signs...
Determine if your partner shares your financial values. While kindness, intelligence, humor and shared interests are crucial attributes single people often look for in a partner, taking stock of whether you’re financially compatible can help you build the foundation...
The American dream Opens a New Window. is alive and well, and Americans who aspire to build wealth and become rich may be surprised to know they don’t need a flashy job Opens a New Window. or come from an affluent family...
It’s always great when that payday direct deposit hits, but exactly where that money hits could make a major difference in your financial future. If you haven’t yet set up a savings account to stash some of your earnings, you could be...
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