When you break it down, saving for retirement is fairly straightforward: Set aside a portion of your earnings each year, invest for a long-term time horizon, be patient, and grow your wealth. While this is obviously an over simplification, saving for retirement...
Employees of state and local governments can stash more money in their 457 plans this year, building bigger nest eggs for retirement. 457 Contribution Limits for 2019 The maximum amount you can contribute to a 457...
On the surface, it sounds like an absurd question. How could finally reaching the most highly anticipated phase of life turn you into a liar? Whats more, I’m not talking about it causing people to start telling little white lies or harmless...
The House of Representatives recently passed a bill that may complicate retirement planning options for Americans. The House passed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act of 2019 on May 23. If enacted into law, it...
Many Americans haven’t saved as much money as they need for retirement — and the gap is expected to widen dramatically in the next 30 years. The retirement savings gap — between what people have and should have —...
Two questions I hear a lot from people who aren’t retired are: “When can I retire?” and “How much money do I need to retire?” They’re really variations of the same question. It’s the wrong question to ask, because most people approach...
There comes a time in most of our lives when we may need a personal loan. But taking on debt isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You may need to borrow money for one of life’s milestones, such as to afford the cost...
America’s retirement accounts are growing, but not fast enough. Vanguard has released its annual How America Saves 2019 report. It’s a snapshot of the state of retirement in America that focuses on defined benefit accounts, which are mostly in...
On the face of it, the landscape of personal finance is a man’s world. Men’s faces dominate our currency. Men largely control Wall Street and the firms that hold and invest our money.
This is such a big financial step that it could be called “When your portfolio starts paying you.” This question might sound like a cure for insomnia: Should you take fixed distributions or variable distributions? But...
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