Many seniors choose to retire where they spent their working years. But a large chunk also opt to pack up and relocate someplace else — perhaps a warmer or more affordable locale. If you’re thinking of relocating in retirement, you’ll need to...
It’s no secret that many millennials feel regret over their student loans and prioritize paying them off as a result. But if you don’t start saving for retirement at the same time, you’re likely to end up with a different regret when...
Certain retirement expenses, like transportation, utilities, and communication services, are fairly predictable. But if there’s one senior expense that can be difficult to nail down, it’s healthcare. There are so many variables that go into that equation, especially the evolving state of...
After hearing so many stories of people saving hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars and then quitting their day jobs, it’s natural to wonder, “Can I do the same?” That’s the question one Reddit user, called “Firetaway” on...
LAST YEAR, 14.4 MILLION people were victims of identity fraud, according to the 2019 Identity Fraud Study from research and advisory firm Javelin. Nearly a quarter of victims had unreimbursed personal expenses related to the fraud, and the median loss was $375...
Before you head to the beach, use this tax-advantaged account to stock up on summer necessities. Flexible spending accounts allow workers to sock away cash on a pretax basis into a savings account. You can take tax-free distributions from...
When it comes to retirement savings, many Americans miss the mark. On average, Americans believe they need $1.7 million to retire, according to a recent survey from Charles Schwab, which looked at 1,000 401(k) plan participants nationwide.
When you’re creeping toward retirement age with little to no savings, it can be tempting to lean on your Social Security benefits a little too heavily. For those with average earnings, benefits are only designed to replace around 40%...
If you’re fortunate enough to have access to a 401(k) through your employer, take full advantage of it. Only around 53% of workers over the age of 22 have access to a defined contribution plan, such as a 401(k), according to a...
If you have money in a traditional IRA or 401(k), you probably already know that eventually you’ll have to take that money out and pay taxes on it. But the rules for taking required minimum distributions have always been...
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