The best day to grocery shop at most grocers is Wednesday morning an hour after the store opens. This yields the freshest produce, and you’ll also be first in line for when the best deals usually start mid-week. (Think about it: Now...
Women in their 50s who are at the most financial risk in retirement are those who are married and in two-income households. That’s the surprising news from a recent report on women and retirement from Prudential Financial. The finding...
Each and every day, Generation X moves a little closer to full retirement age. The question is, when will Gen X be able to get serious about actually saving enough for retirement? The youngest among us are approaching forty years old. While...
Knowing your net worth isn’t just for the 1%. Even if you don’t fly in first class or summer in the Hamptons, this simple equation is an important tool that says a lot about your financial health.
Planning to reinvest those pesky required withdrawals from your individual retirement account or 401(k) plan because you don’t need the money? Under the Secure Act, a bill pending in Congress right now that aims to improve the nation’s retirement...
Money is kind of like a toddler. If you’re not keeping a close eye on it, it’s going to sneak away. Lucky for us, mobile technology makes it comparatively easy to mind our money these days. Personal finance apps abound that sync...
Many seniors choose to retire where they spent their working years. But a large chunk also opt to pack up and relocate someplace else — perhaps a warmer or more affordable locale. If you’re thinking of relocating in retirement, you’ll need to...
It’s no secret that many millennials feel regret over their student loans and prioritize paying them off as a result. But if you don’t start saving for retirement at the same time, you’re likely to end up with a different regret when...
Certain retirement expenses, like transportation, utilities, and communication services, are fairly predictable. But if there’s one senior expense that can be difficult to nail down, it’s healthcare. There are so many variables that go into that equation, especially the evolving state of...
After hearing so many stories of people saving hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars and then quitting their day jobs, it’s natural to wonder, “Can I do the same?” That’s the question one Reddit user, called “Firetaway” on...
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