You work hard your entire life to earn money, create a family, and buy all the things you’ve always desired to live your version of the American Dream. But what happens to all your money and your stuff — and don’t forget...
Recently, personal finance expert and TV personality Suze Orman drew criticism for scolding millennials over their coffee habits. Specifically, she likened the habit of purchasing coffee to throwing away $1 million — money that could otherwise be used to fund a retirement.
We’re often told how important it is to save for retirement, especially since senior living costs keep climbing and Social Security isn’t enough to sustain seniors in the absence of outside income. And while it’s generally a smart idea to allocate money...
The typical senior will need roughly 70% to 80% of his or her former earnings to live comfortably during retirement, and in many cases, Social Security will only provide about half that amount. That’s right — Social Security isn’t designed to sustain retirees in...
Millionaire status was once reserved only for the rich and famous, but these days, you might need to have at least a million dollars in the bank to retire comfortably. Retirement is more expensive than ever, and the average American...
If you’ve been proactively planning for retirement, you’re no doubt aware that your golden years aren’t going to fund themselves. Rather, you’ll need a healthy amount of savings to cover the bills later in life, even if you’re expecting a pretty sizable...
White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Friday unveiled a plan to guarantee the “right to a secure retirement” as he seeks to burnish his progressive bona fides amid stiffening competition in the Democratic primary. The plan, announced...
Most people understand the virtues of a 401(k) when it comes to saving for retirement. Still, few know that there’s another employer-sponsored plan that could work just as well, if not better. Like a traditional 401(k), a Roth 401(k)...
Retirement is supposed to be a joyous time in life. You’ve spent decades working toward this goal with the hope that once you retire, you can finally sit back, relax, and spend your days doing whatever you want. However,...
Whether you’re 20 or 60, retirement can feel a long way off as you rise early for another day at the office. Saving enough money to climb down off the corporate ladder is challenging and takes decades, but with smart planning and...
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