Saving for your kid’s college education isn’t easy, but you can probably save a lot more than you think. Here are six important things to know to start squirreling away and investing money in a smart way, including how to save in...
More Americans have retirement accounts today when compared with past decades – but that doesn’t necessarily mean everyone is saving enough to live comfortably throughout their later years. According to a new study from the Government Accountability Office (GAO),...
If you’re like most pre-retirees, retirement planning starts by asking if you’ll have enough income during your retirement. If it appears you’ll generate adequate income, the focus shifts to tax and investment techniques that will maximize this income. In other words, “given...
Early retirement may sound like a dream. However, if today’s retirees are any indication, you may want to rethink how you plan financially. A new survey from NerdWallet finds that today’s retirees stopped working at 59,...
As you’re planning for retirement, you may think you have plenty of time to figure everything out. Especially if you still have decades before you can even consider retiring, it’s easy to push saving to another day down the road.
Millennials, such as myself, seem to be known the world over for our poor choices, efforts to alter certain cultural norms, or collusion to shutter industries single-handedly. Another bad reputation we receive involves our seemingly perpetual problems for establishing good financial habits....
RETIREES OFTEN FOLLOW what is known as the 4% rule. Established in 1994 by financial advisor William Bengen, the rule stipulates that you should be able to withdraw 4% of your retirement savings each year without running out of...
When you’re in your 20s or early 30s, recognizing that you don’t have much in the way of retirement savings can most certainly be a wake-up call, but it’s not necessarily cause for panic. After all, at those ages, you can expect...
The mayor of Boston announced Monday that every kindergartener in the city’s public school system will receive a savings account, complete with a starting $50 balance this fall at beginning of the school year. Mayor Marty Walsh said Boston...
Early retirement is something many workers dream about but few are able to achieve. Roughly half of U.S. adults say they would like to retire by age 60, according to a poll from TD Ameritrade, but only a third think they’ll be...
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