Yanely Espinal knows what the power of a financial education — she came from a low-income home with two parents and nine children, and ended up with credit card and student loan debt even after receiving a full scholarship to college.
It’s not too late to start saving for retirement. Thirty-seven percent of all employees age 35 to 44, and 34 percent of employees age 45 to 54 have less than $1,000 saved for retirement, according to the Employee Benefits...
There’s no one “right” way to save for retirement, and everyone will have different goals and strategies. But regardless of how you choose to save, it’s essential to stash at least a little away for retirement now. The earlier...
“The freedom on the other side of our stuff makes us truly euphoric!” That’s the phrase minimalist Amy Rutherford, 51, of Parker, Colo., uses to describe the feeling of joy she and her husband Tim, 52, now enjoy after getting rid of...
Congratulations! You’ve saved enough for retirement. Now what? For those fortunate enough to have accumulated a nest egg large enough to last them through their post-working years, some hard decisions can still arise.
Indiana University has selected Fidelity as the sole provider of administrative recordkeeping services to the IU retirement plans. In addition, a new, simplified investment menu was introduced. Information about the changes and enhancements has been sent to active IU...
Bob Orozco barks out instructions like a drill sergeant. The 40 or so older adults in this class follow his lead, stretching and bending and marching in place. It goes like this for nearly an hour, with 89-year-old Orozco...
A secure financial future is what most Americans hope to get with their college degree. More than 80% of freshmen students say they pursued higher education “to be able to get a better job.” Another popular reason? “To make more money.”
If you’re taking a hefty check from your 401(k) plan as you leave your employer, you might be making a big mistake. Just over 9 out of 10 employers give their employees multiple options to take a distribution from...
Roth IRAs and 401(k) plans are essential tools for building up your retirement savings. They’re both tax-advantaged, which means they are designed to minimize a person’s tax burden (aka the amount you owe the IRS at the end of...
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