Emergencies occur. So, it makes sense to start putting money aside. Yet many Americans aren’t. In fact, 28% of Americans have no emergency savings, a July survey from personal financial website Bankrate.com found.
About 40% of students say that when it comes to picking which college they will attend, the most determining factor is the “overall fit,” according to a recent survey by the Princeton Review. Only about 9% of students cited affordability as the...
General Electric’s move to significantly lower its pension liabilities is simply the latest in a sweeping corporate pivot away from guaranteed retirement benefits. GE on Monday announced that it would offer lump-sum pension buyouts to about 100,000 former U.S....
Chocolate or vanilla? Coke or Pepsi? Cheeseburger happy meal or chicken nuggets, and so on. We Americans love choices. Retirement is no different. As we head into unchartered waters, as a tax attorney, it’s clear that our tax choices in building our retirement...
Struggling to save enough for retirement seems to be just part of the human experience for the majority of Americans. Six in 10 say they’re behind on savings and need to catch up, according to a recent TD Ameritrade survey. Most of...
Millennials — the selfie obsessed, avocado toast-loving generation — might be behind slower economic growth, according to a research note last week from Raymond James. This new generation, scarred by the financial crisis, is saving more than the free-spending boomers did before...
Social Security is so vital to so many people’s retirement plans, and yet is so shrouded in uncertainty. Some of this is beyond our control, but you have more power than you think when it comes to determining the size of your...
The state in which you retire could have a huge impact on your senior years, for better or for worse. For some seniors, the decision of where to retire boils down to things like proximity to family and climate.
As you’re planning for retirement, there are several tools you can take advantage of to help you save — a workplace 401(k), for example, or an IRA. Plans like these allow you to invest your money for the future, racking up serious...
When you’ve spent your entire career diligently saving for retirement, the last thing you want is to get taken advantage of by a scammer and lose your hard-earned savings. However, many retirees are unaware of some of the most common scams they...
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