With some experts warning that $1 million in retirement savings might not even do the trick these days, it’s understandable if you’re kept up at night wondering: Will I have enough? Here’s another question worth asking: How should I...
In case you didn’t see the news, those on Social Security won’t be getting a very generous raise this coming year. The annual cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, for 2020 is a mere 1.6%, which is only slightly more than half of the...
Perhaps one of the more unexpected trends of late is the move to retire on a cruise ship. One woman came forth about turning her love for cruises into a lifestyle after her kids moved out and her husband...
Financial advisers have long recommended that people keep up to six months’ worth of emergency savings in case of an unexpected medical bill or job loss. They crunched the numbers on more than 70,000 lower-income households, and they’ve come up with what...
A personal-finance trend called F.I.R.E. is gaining ground amongst millennials. F.I.R.E. stands for “Financial Independence Retire Early.” Some millennials reportedly use it as a tool to help them retire as early as 30. F.I.R.E. followers try...
As you near retirement, you might look back and think that saving for this next stage of life was the easy part. During your working years, the big decisions were how much to save and where to invest.
These days, a growing number of Americans are extending their careers and retiring during their 70s, or even beyond. And there are plenty of good reasons to work longer, like boosting your savings, maintaining a social life, and, in some cases, staying...
An estimated 44.5 million retired workers receive monthly income in the form of Social Security benefits. If you work and pay Social Security taxes, then chances are, those benefits will be an important source of income for you once your career comes...
It’s a common misconception that you need to have a lot of money to start saving for retirement. In fact, among workers who have no retirement savings, the primary reason they aren’t saving is they don’t think they’re earning enough money to...
Social Security is funded by payroll taxes, and all workers are subject to them up to a certain limit. That limit can change from year to year to reflect overall wage growth, and in 2020, higher earners can expect to have more...
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