America’s personal financial meltdown has begun — and it’s playing out in the doctor’s office. The record debt US consumers are ratcheting up is propelling a rise in mental illness and widespread emotional distress, according to experts. Family fights...
Americans have a complicated relationship with cars. Aside from buying a home, a car is probably the second-most expensive purchase you will ever make in your life. After more than 10 years of writing about money on my personal finance...
Ron Dolde is my new hero. He retired at age 55 after spending his entire career at a telecom company. How did he do it? “When I was a young man,” he writes, “I got promoted and was given...
“If you can’t pay for it in cash, you can’t afford it.” “If you can’t buy it twice, you can’t afford it.” You’ve probably heard one of those aphorisms. The point is that even if you’re...
Falling victim to fraud can be devastating to your financial affairs, both because of the actual monetary loss and because of the resulting loss of confidence in managing your assets. Unfortunately, scams and schemes are far too common, and victims in the...
Retirement is not something any of us should leave to chance. Few of us are guaranteed ample income on which to live comfortably for decades in retirement, so it’s up to us to make sure we’re saving enough and investing it effectively.
Though Social Security will provide today’s workers with some amount of income in retirement, those benefits generally won’t be enough to sustain seniors by themselves. If you’re an average earner, you can expect your Social Security income to replace roughly 40% of...
There’s plenty of financial advice available on the Internet and in books, so it can sometimes be hard to decide which tips to follow. But sometimes, you’ll read a quote or stumble upon some wisdom that can make you...
For many Americans, taking Social Security benefits at 62 is less of a choice and more of a necessity. A huge fraction of Social Security participants rely on the program for the majority of their income, and for some, their Social Security...
As you choose your benefits for 2020, don’t overlook a key saving account that could beat your 401(k) plan — at least in terms of taxes. This year, nearly 3 in 10 employers that offer workplace benefits provided a...
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