According to the Social Security Administration, more than three out of every five retired workers rely on their monthly payout to account for at least half of their income. That, arguably, makes deciding when to take benefits the most important decision that...
Millennials may get flack for being hooked on their smartphones, but this generation may be on to something with respect to retirement planning. There’s a movement gaining momentum among the younger set called FIRE, or financial independence, retire early. FIRE involves saving...
It will be a long winter for millions of Americans who won’t be able to head to the ski slopes or sunnier climes for a vacation. Some 33 million Americans, many of them millennials, are financially tapped out and...
It’s not just saving for retirement you need to worry about, but drawing down your money at the right time, too. The IRS requires savers to make withdrawals from their retirement accounts starting at age 70½.
Over the past year, Apple has faced criticism over its apparent refusal to take a stand against the Bay Area’s crippling housing crisis. But all the while, the iPhone maker held a closely-guarded secret: Behind closed doors, Apple was, in fact, talking...
When Ed Crowley was buying his Kentucky home in 2003, there were plenty of hard-copy documents he had to fill out during the process, culminating in a closing with piles of papers to sign. But when Crowley purchased a...
Target-date funds (TDFs) can be fantastic retirement savings tools. Many are well-diversified, cost-effective, and automatically reduce risk for investors as they approach retirement. There’s a problem though. Most hold bonds in their early years when young investors are protected...
It’s never too early to start planning for your retirement. While the task may seem daunting, it’s important to make sure you have enough set aside for your golden years. It’s something that many Americans are...
If you’ve recently come into some extra money, perhaps from a raise or bonus, you might wonder the best way to maximize your surplus funds. Saving is an obvious choice, especially for those who don’t have a few months’ worth of living...
Reserved instances (RIs) have provided a mechanism for companies, which expect to use a certain level of AWS infrastructure resources, to get some cost certainty. But as AWS’ Jeff Barr  points out, they are on the complex side. To fix that, the company announced...
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