For many people, coming up with funds to cover major unexpected expenses is a difficult task. Many people can only raise emergency funds by either going into debt or selling an important asset. If you’re one of those people, creating an emergency fund...
The 2010s have come to a close, but they were very kind to many people financially, as the stock market recovered from the worst recession in 70 years and core unemployment fell to extremely low levels. Yet as we begin a new year...
Social Security benefits can have a major effect on your retirement, particularly if your savings aren’t as robust as you’d hoped they’d be by the time you retire. But in order to make the most of your benefits, it’s important to understand how...
Living in another country is a save-your-retirement move that few people consider. For Edd and Cynthia Staton, it was a lifesaver. During the 2008-2009 financial crisis, they took a hard look at what retirement might look like if they remained...
You can’t escape the future, but you can make it easier by switching your spending habits to saving habits. There’s no shortage of studies reporting that Americans are drowning in debt. We’re having trouble paying our monthly bills, taxes, and...
Saving money for your golden years is crucial. Without a solid nest egg, you’ll risk struggling to pay the bills once your career ends. Most seniors need about 70% to 80% of their former income to live comfortably in retirement,...
Many Americans hold multiple retirement accounts — and there are many reasons why they should consider combining those nest eggs instead of letting them gather dust. Around 25 million Americans left behind money in a 401(k) account when separating from...
When the clock strikes midnight on Dec. 31, it will not only usher in a new decade. It will also bring in a host of retirement changes. And that could have big implications for your money. The...
Economists say that 2020 will be a positive — though not exactly stellar — year for the housing market. And that could be good news for renters and home buyers alike. But that’s assuming experts’ forecasts are right.
Taking steps to defer your federal income bill is usually a good idea, especially if you expect to be in the same or lower tax bracket in future years. If that assumption pans out, making moves that lower your current-year income will, at...
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