What’s more valuable — getting out of debt or getting away? Soon more workers will have the opportunity to make that calculation. PTO Exchange, a platform that allows employers to give workers the ability to put the monetary value...
Many workers look forward to escaping the demands of the working world as soon as they’re able to. But whether you’re a Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) proponent or someone just looking to retire a bit early at age 62, you’ll need to prepare...
Planning for retirement is always an evolving process. In addition to the changing macroeconomic environment, annual updates from the IRS can affect how you plan and save for retirement. The start of 2022 was no different, as the IRS made numerous...
                    Two titans of business took a tour of a mattress factory and seemed to be having the time of their lives. And that merry jaunt during Berkshire Hathaway’s BRK.A recent annual shareholders weekend is not unrelated to why they’re both billionaires. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates chat and laugh, as...
Embrace Your Low-Risk Options When it comes to short term savings, you’re going to want to stash them somewhere that’s low risk and easily accessible—a big tax headache or added fees when you’re in the process of buying a home (or boat) is the last thing you want. That said, Michael...
Like many Americans, Chris Gray got into financial trouble when he accumulated large medical expenses — in his case, for hip surgery four years ago. “The medical bills just start piling up, especially if you can’t work,” said Gray,...
Stock investors of all stripes care about corporate earnings. Lately the earnings picture for the broad stock market has been cloudier than ever, frustrating professional and armchair analysts alike. Where earnings are headed in the second half of 2020...
In investing terms, a "glide path " describes how a mix of investments changes over time. Typically, the mix gets more conservative — with fewer stocks and more bonds, for example — as the investor approaches a goal such as retirement.
The FinTech revolution is transforming the financial industry rapidly. The use of digital technologies is the norm, and together with regulatory and market changes, it is creating a revolution. FinTech has also assisted in leveling the financial playing field...
People across the economic spectrum are struggling to pay their medical bills today. A recent survey by the Commonwealth Fund found that 41% of Americans have problems with medical bills or problems paying off medical debt. The situation is...
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