While it is common knowledge that a personal loan or credit card can affect your credit score, many people don’t realise that their telecommunications services, such as mobile phone plans and internet provider contracts, can also have an impact. Although telecom and...
If you're gearing up to retire in 2022, you may be growing increasingly excited about that prospect by the day. But the decisions you make early on in retirement could determine how financially secure you are throughout your senior years. And you'll...
It sounds morbid, but when you’re shopping for a life insurance policy, insurers want to know the answer to one question: What’s your life expectancy? That’s because life insurers take on a financial risk by covering you. The higher...
Buying a home is the single biggest purchase many families ever make. And in today's overheated housing market, with sale prices skyrocketing and some buyers coming to the table with all-cash offers, landing a home is no easy task. It's a reality...
When it comes to required minimum distributions, there are plenty of ways to make mistakes. This year, the chore may seem even more confusing than usual. After being waived for 2020, those RMDs — amounts you must take each...
An overwhelming majority of retirement savers believe they are on track to retire comfortably, according to a new national poll conducted by Kiplinger in partnership with money management firm Personal Capital. Some 40% of savers are very confident that they’re on track...
STARTING up a savings habit is a great way to take control of your finances, and will be a new year’s resolution for thousands of people. But making common money saving mistakes can seriously set you back.
Editor's Note: This story originally appeared on The Penny Hoarder. If you’re feeling shaky about your retirement savings, you’re not alone. According to a February 2021 research report by the National Institute on Retirement Security, 56%...
Social Security has long been the backbone of American retirement, and many working Americans look forward to the day they can sit back and enjoy collecting a Social Security check. But Social Security was never meant to fund 100% of retirement expenses,...
One of the keys to successful retirement planning is consistent savings. Setting aside a certain amount of money each pay period or each month helps you build a strong savings habit, and the earlier you begin, the more time your funds have...
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