Two former Google engineers have built a car that's personalized for delivering your groceries, pizza or dry-cleaning. Nuro, a Mountain View, California, based startup, unveiled an autonomous vehicle Tuesday designed for making local commerce deliveries. The company plans to have several of the vehicles making deliveries on public roads by the end...
5G will be the lifeblood of the new economy. Self-driving cars, virtual reality, smart cities and networked robots will all be powered by 5G networks someday soon. 5G promises to open the door to new surgical procedures, safer transportation and instant communication for first responders. It's no wonder the Trump administration...
Google has completed its $1.1 billion deal to hire hardware engineers from HTC. "I'm delighted that we've officially closed our deal with HTC, and are welcoming an incredibly talented team to work on even better and more innovative products in the years to come," Rick Osterloh, Google's senior vice president...
Looks like Razer's latest update for its first smartphone should be worth installing. The new software enables support for Netflix HDR videos as well as Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound, so you can better immerse yourself in your favorite fictional universe. This makes the Razer Phone one of a...
Apple plans to put custom processors inside at least three more Macs by the end of the year, according to Bloomberg. There are no details on what the chips will be used for, but the report says they’ll appear in updated laptops and a new desktop. Though Apple has been making custom...
Intel’s response to Spectre and Meltdown has been, on balance, fairly good. While the company’s initial PR on the subject left much to be desired, it followed up with much clearer reporting on the scope of the problem. The actual rollout of solutions has been slow and fitful, but...
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and Foxconn Technology Co Ltd have led a 2.2 billion yuan ($347.74 million) funding round in Chinese electric car maker Xiaopeng Motors as competition escalates in the new energy vehicle (NEV) market. The latest injection brings the startup company’s total funding to 5 billion yuan, it...
Google has made its first ride-hailing investment in Asia by pumping money into Go-Jek, as the Indonesian start-up and deep-pocketed rivals rapidly expand their app-based services and digital payments in Southeast Asia. The funding deepens Google's commitment to Indonesia's internet economy," Caesar Sengupta, a vice president at Google said in...
Japan’s financial regulator said on Monday it would inspect all cryptocurrency exchanges and ordered Coincheck to get its act together after hackers stole $530 million worth of digital money from its exchange in one of the biggest cyber heists on record. The theft highlights the vulnerabilities in trading an asset...
Facebook (FB.O) said on Monday it was publishing its privacy principles for the first time and rolling out educational videos to help users control who has access to their information, as it prepares for the start of a tough new EU data protection law. The videos will show users how...
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