Humans can be great acrobats, but what about Disney robots? Disney Research has one such human-scale robot — called Stickman, because it’s literally a robotic stick — that is capable of aerial acrobatics, like backflips. Just as certain human inventions take after nature (like body armor), it seems as if...
Twitter pulled the plug on its official Mac app this past February, and its continuing to shut out other third party apps as well. The company tweeted that as of Thursday, May 24th, Twitter for set top media boxes Roku, Android TV and Xbox will no longer work. The...
Something wonderful happened today: Instagram announced that in the coming weeks, you’ll be able to mute posts and stories from anyone you follow. Finally, finally, finally. Obviously, a mute button eases Instagram’s often-fraught social dynamics in a big way. Sometimes you follow a friend or acquaintance — perhaps they added...
Google waited until late at night on a Wednesday to announce its new music-streaming service YouTube Music. That seems odd in itself, but now that the service is actually live something even weirder is happening: only certain people can sign up. Considering this new YouTube Music service has been in...
Nokia-branded devices were on a steady decline for years as Microsoft's Windows Phone platform crashed and burned. For a while, it looked like there may never be another Nokia smartphone, but then HMD stepped in last year to create new devices running Android under the Nokia brand. There will...
Intel and Microsoft on Monday disclosed a newly found variant of the Spectre and Meltdown security flaws, revealing another vulnerability in chips used in hundreds of millions of computers and mobile devices. Intel is calling the new strain "Variant 4." While this latest variant taps into many of the same...
Unusual laser emissions beaming from the Ant Nebula suggest that it is home to a hidden double-star system and that one of the companion stars is nearing the end of its life. When stars similar to our sun start to die, they become dense white dwarf stars and then expel...
Ever been foiled by technology while trying to take pictures of something awesome? Don't fret, it can literally happen to the most amazing of humans. On last week's spacewalk outside the International Space Station (ISS), flight engineer Drew Feustel found himself stumped by a GoPro camera complaining about the lack...
To be evil or not to be evil — that is the question, Google. It seems after years of the tech company's commitment to its low-key creepy-sounding mantra, "Don't Be Evil," Google has removed the phrase from its Code of Conduct. So that means evil is totally chill now?? Cool. Very...
Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant are all female. The topic has been much discussed and researched in recent years, with data offering as one explanation for the phenomenon that both men and women prefer the sound of female voices. “They’re warmer and more relatable, and make people receptive...
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