NYC Gas Companies Ease Call to Conserve Energy Amid ‘Unprecedented’ Freeze

The strain on New York’s gas supply during the holiday weekend’s punishing below-freezing temperatures has lessened, prompting the city’s two major utility companies to call off their plea that customers conserve energy to prevent widespread issues.

Con Edison and National Grid released alerts late Christmas Eve asking for cutbacks in gas and electricity use by its customers in New York. By Christmas Eve, Con Edison ended its alert and National Grid said customers no longer needed to lower thermostats but encouraged people to use appliances during off-peak hours.

Temperatures plunged into the single digits on Saturday, wreaking havoc for many New Yorkers trying to dry out or shovel out from Friday’s winter storm. The sudden drop in degrees is putting a strain on utilities in addition to the increased demand for natural gas, Con Edison said.

“The call for conservation covers Con Edison’s 1.1 million natural gas, 3.5 million electric customers and its steam customers in Manhattan and will remain in effect until further notice,” the Con Edison’s Saturday alert read.

National Grid’s ask for energy reduction went out to its 1.9 million customers in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and Long Island through Christmas afternoon.

The companies hoped a voluntary reduction would help keep the lights on — and that appeared to do the trick.

Con Ed offered the following conservation tips:

  • Set thermostats at the lowest comfortable temperature. Each degree lower reduces energy usage and decreases heating costs.
  • Use appliances only as needed. Turn off the lights in unoccupied rooms. Turn off television sets, computers and other appliances that are not in use.
  • Hold off on using appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines and dryers until the conservation request is lifted, if possible.
  • Make sure heating vents are not blocked by furniture, carpeting or anything else that could obstruct the flow of heat.

National Guard had these suggestions for gas reduction:

  • Turn your thermostat down just five degrees for residences if you are at home, and to 60 degrees if you are not at home or operating a business.
  • If possible, avoid using fireplaces, clothes dryers and other appliances that use gas, which are not critical to safety or health.

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