Being able to charge your car at home is a big drawcard for many electric vehicle buyers. But it’s rare to find chargers installed at apartment complexes in Australia.
Getting chargers into existing apartment blocks can be complicated. Owners may not agree on whether to install them, or which technology to use. And the complex may not be well-equipped for the extra electricity load.
So how can these challenges be overcome? A policy paper my colleagues and I published today set out to answer that question.
We surveyed 43 experts in installing charging infrastructure in apartments in New South Wales. They identified four key ways to ensure more apartment residents can confidently charge their electric vehicles at home before hitting the road.
Getting more Australians in electric cars
The Electric Vehicle Council predicts 100,000 electric vehicle sales in Australia this year. However, sales have reportedly flatlined—partly due to concerns about access to charging. Clearly, chargers in apartment complexes are crucial to increasing electric vehicle uptake. To date, electric vehicle sales in Australia have been led by motorists in outer-metropolitan suburbs where houses rather than apartments are the dominant dwelling type. The trend is partly attributed to the ease of installing home chargers in houses. Research shows most Australians—both those living in houses and apartment buildings—would prefer a car-charging option at home. Increasing electric vehicle sales is also vital for climate action. Passenger cars and light commercial vehicles contribute more than 10% of Australia’s total emissions.Patchy policy
Electric vehicle strategies in Australia give little attention to those living in apartments. The Australian Capital Territory’s Zero Emissions Vehicles Strategy introduced a A$2,000 incentive to install charging at multi-unit buildings. Last year, the New South Wales government established the $10 million EV Ready Buildings Grant to help apartment buildings assess and install electric vehicle infrastructure. NSW’s electric vehicle strategy is currently being revised, offering an opportunity for further support. Australia’s national strategy pledges to “make it easy to charge an EV across Australia” but focuses on public charging stations. Under the National Construction Code—Australia’s main set of technical and construction requirements—new apartments must be built “ready” for electric vehicle chargers if residents want to install them in the future. But complications can arise when trying to install chargers into existing apartments.Retrofitting vehicle chargers is complicated
Getting electric vehicle chargers into apartment blocks requires the following steps:- gaining support from apartment owners
- conducting a building energy assessment to determine, for example, if electricity infrastructure needs upgrading
- choosing between individual or shared chargers
- choosing how to share the upfront costs and pass on the cost of electricity
- navigating the planning approval process
- getting the funds to start the project
- finding energy auditors and installers with relevant expertise.