American News Group

Know what dreamscrolling is? You’re probably doing it.

Psst. Close that browser window about your dream house or vacation and get back to work.

You’re not alone, though.

A new study reveals that the average American spends nearly 2½ hours a day “dreamscrolling” or looking at dream purchases or things they’d like to one day own.

According to the study by Empower, a financial services company, Americans are spending an average of 2.5 hours a day – or 873 hours a year – dreamscrolling on the phone or computer.

Half of the 2,000 respondents to the study said they dreamscroll while at work and of those, 1 in 5 admit to spending between three to four hours a day multitasking while on the job.

Age makes a difference

Gen Z’ers spent the most time dreamscrolling at a little more than three hours per day, while Boomers spend the least, or about an hour.

The majority of those who responded, or 71%, however, said that dreamscrolling is time well spent because it motivates them to reach their financial goals.

“People see dreamscrolling as one way they’re investing in themselves and envisioning what they want out of life – whether that’s when they want to retire, their dream home or next vacation,” said Rebecca Rickert, head of communications at Empower.

Here’s some more insights from the study:

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