American News Group

33% of US adults worry about retiring. Here’s why so many don’t feel ready

A third of United States adults over 30 are worried about being able to retire and live comfortably, a new study shows.

Among adults who are consistently saving for retirement, only 36% expect to be financially secure in retirement if they continue saving at the same rate, according to a survey released by AARP. The study measured financial security trends of adults over 30 as of January.

At the same time, 33% of respondents said they would not have enough money to live comfortably. According to AARP, this number is 4 percentage points higher than January 2023, a change in public opinion that AARP attributes primarily to adults 50 and older.

Beyond the opinions on retirement, AARP’s survey also gauged both men and women’s overall sense of financial security. Across the board, adults 30 and older said they feel optimistic about the future.

However, men of all ages and income groups saw a significant decline in the overall sense of financial security since January 2022. These general opinions come despite the survey showing men are more likely than women to have emergency savings and to regularly save for retirement.

AARP said these concerns exemplify the importance of planning for retirement and starting early. Here’s what you can do to prepare now.

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