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Lincoln financial advisor shares tips on how to set money goals in 2024

The beginning of the year is a great time to look back at your financial habits from the previous year and find where you can make improvements. If you’re ready to rearrange your finances in 2024, here are a few tips from Tim Kulhanek, a financial adviser at Stonebridge Insurance and Wealth Management.

Start a savings plan

Avoid borrowing money

Expand your financial literacy

There’s ways to expand your financial literacy that are cost-effective and also helpful. “Investopedia is a great resource,” Kulhanek said. “You can go there and you can learn about any financial topic you want, like what’s a savings account, what’s a checking account , how do I balance my checkbook?” If you need help staying on track you can write your goals down; that helps you track your progress and can serve as a visual reminder to help you stay on the right path. You can also ask a family member or friend to be an accountability partner to encourage you to keep working at your goal. It also helps to remember that slip ups happen, and you should still enjoy your year. “It’s okay to do some things that create some memories and experiences with your friends, family, people you love and care about,” Kulhanek said. “We just have to do it within the confines of an overall plan.” If you need to tweak your plan to be able to pay for the essentials without abandoning your goal, you can lower your savings goal by a little bit. It can also work the other way, if you get a raise you might increase your monthly savings.
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