American News Group

High Inflation is Hitting Americans’ Retirement Optimism

It’s not an illusion — that nest egg really is smaller than it used to be. A new survey from BlackRock of US retirement plan participants found that in the past two years more Americans, especially those in younger generations, feel like their retirement savings are “off track.”

Work, Work, Work

Retirement used to be a time when Americans could look forward to cashing in on more than four decades of hard work, offering the freedom to play golf, paint bowls of fruit, or pursue other passion projects. But the trek toward post-work life has become an anxious journey, one that many feel unprepared for and that doesn’t have a clear, attainable destination. Today, just over half of Americans say they’re on track to retire with the lifestyle they desire, compared to nearly 70% two years ago, BlackRock’s survey found. BlackRock noted several contributing factors, including multiple years of high inflation, recession fears, and volatile financial markets. The result is many Americans coming to grips with having to work longer than previously planned: What Did You Learn in School Today? Retirement and general economic apprehensions can also be attributed to a lack of financial literacy, a subject historically not covered well in American schools. However, the push for personal finance education has been growing. Just last year, six states adopted policies that will have schools teach students about money, and as of today, 22 states require a semester-long personal finance course for graduation, according to the nonprofit Next Gen Personal Finance. For the non-teens out there, well, you’re still on your own.
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