American News Group

Saving money in the midst of inflation

An Experian survey from April reports 66% of Americans are actively looking for ways to cut their monthly expenses. “Groceries and food make up a large percentage in our monthly out close,” said Wealth Advisor John Creekmur. He said there is a trend in people saving money by finding different sources to supply their groceries. “One of the things you want to do is simple items, you want to do comparative shopping looking at different places and try to find ways to cut costs,” said Creekmur. “You also want to look at other outlets. So let’s say as far as your proteins or your eggs. You may know some local farmers that also have hens that produce eggs.”Wheels O’ Time in Dunlap Opens for 40th Season Creekmur also said for people to look at their utilities. “Most utility companies do have different programs that if you go through and make some changes at your home such as changing light bulbs from a type of bulb to another, you can actually receive credits or decreases as far as in your monthly expenditures,” he said. Another way to save money is by thrifting or consignment shopping. And that’s one of the ways Loretta Edwards, a mother of five saves money. “Don’t think you have to dress your kids in Jordans and all of that.” she said. “Kids don’t know any better, they like light-up shoes.” Edwards is one of many parents attending the Trading Hands Kids Sale at the Expo Gardens in Peoria this week. “Almost everything is pretty much nice looking, gently used, and way affordable,” she said.
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