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How to Find a Happy Balance Among Competing Savings Goals

Saving money sounds straightforward — set cash aside for a future purpose — but in reality, people often face competing savings priorities. We want it all: the travel, the house, the flush savings account. So how do we figure out which savings goals to put first, especially when we’re working toward so many things at once?

“You’re also still trying to live and have fun and not eat ramen noodles every day,” says Al-Nesha Jones, a certified public accountant and founder of ASE Group, a full-service accounting, tax and advisory firm in West Orange, New Jersey. Saving is further complicated by the fact that we’re currently facing economic uncertainty, higher prices on everyday items and a tumultuous stock market.

Figuring out your savings priorities isn’t easy, but these strategies can act as guideposts:

Consider how you felt the last time you couldn’t cover an emergency, Jones says. “If it gave you major anxiety, keep that feeling in mind when you prioritize.” In other words, create your emergency fund before everything else, because it’s so critical to financial security.

“Now more than ever, people are understanding the importance of a rainy day fund,” says Eric Maldonado, certified financial planner and owner of Aquila Wealth Advisors in San Luis Obispo, California. “It’s good fundamentals to have cash in case stuff starts costing more.”

Next, prioritize retirement

“Retirement is a long-term game and time is on your side, so even if you start with something very small, the more time you give yourself to work on it, the better off you’ll be,” Jones says. “If you keep pushing retirement off, we blink and now we’re scrambling.”

Thinking through the worst-case scenarios of not saving for different goals can help underscore the importance of funding retirement accounts. Noah Damsky, principal of Marina Wealth Advisors in Los Angeles, says you should save for the categories with the most severe consequences first — and retirement tops that list, since no one wants to be impoverished in old age. “Running through those scenarios helps crystallize what’s important,” Damsky says.

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