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Millennials Want a Different Kind of Retirement

Over the last decade Millennials have gotten a lot of attention (good and bad) for their “slacktivism,” job hopping, mountains of student debt and FOMO culture. But Millennials are growing up, and many of them are prioritizing financial independence and thinking seriously about their path to retirement. Perhaps unsurprisingly, and in contrast to the generations before them, they have different ideas about what that path and the ultimate destination will look like. According to a new Schwab study, Millennials are more likely to prioritize travel over homeownership in retirement. They want the freedom to use their savings to pursue their desired lifestyle and passions more than chase financial stability. They want flexibility and new experiences more than traditional retirement pursuits.

The Millennial Road to Retirement

As for the path to reach these non-traditional goals, Millennials are looking for flexibility on that front too. They are less focused on a specific retirement savings amount. Instead, they see the accumulation process as more of a continuum, and they want to pursue their passions along the way toward retirement – not just in retirement. Additionally, they are less interested in preserving their wealth in retirement and will not spend as much time managing their investments as Boomers. Some of these Millennial preferences may seem out of line with responsible retirement goals, but this is a generation of action. Millennials, to their credit, are already starting to save much earlier than their predecessors and over the course of the pandemic, many have stepped up their engagement and focus on financial planning. It’s also worth noting that Millennials aren’t simply re-writing the script for retirement because they can. Major economic and societal shifts are driving these changes in how younger people approach money, careers and life. They have encountered challenges that are different from the generations before them. The cost of homeownership has risen, pensions plans have dwindled, student debt has risen dramatically – just to name a few.

Tips to Help Millennials on Their Path

The road to retirement has only gotten more challenging over the course of Millennials’ lifetimes. The good news is that many timeless financial planning strategies can be readily adapted to fit their needs. Here are the top tips I share with Millennials for reaching the retirement of their dreams:

The Bottom Line

Just like Boomers and Gen X’ers, Millennials have distinct generational characteristics that set them apart, but at the same time they are not a monolith. Millennials will take many different approaches and paths to retirement. Their personal lives will take unexpected twists and turns that may change some of their goals along the way. Sound financial planning that begins early is the key to success no matter the desired destination. That much never changes.
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