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The Best Money Saving Tips You Can Start Right Now

Being wise with your money and using money saving tips allows you to create a solid plan for alleviating financial stress. It also makes sure you have enough money stored away for retirement, as well as any other unexpected expenses or life obstacles that pop up. Personal finance unfortunately isn’t taught in school, and so you need to learn how to save money as an adult and on your own. Luckily, there’s plenty of knowledge out there, through online research, financial advisors and mentors, so it’s not too hard to access money-saving tips that can keep you financially stable.

Yet, even money-savvy people can find it difficult to set up a reasonable budget that’s centered around saving money and maximizing their income—one that they can stick with long-term and feel comfortable with. Plus, there are actually a lot of ways you might be losing money, without realizing it, such as forgetting subscriptions, dining at restaurants and ordering in takeout too frequently and excessively shopping, especially when beyond your means.

When you take an in-depth look at your finances, you’re able to figure out if your spending is too high, as well as the areas in which you must cut back to be more financially responsible. In addition to staying on top of your financial state, these are a few money-saving tips that are small but make a big difference to your bank account.

1. Pay All of Your Bills on Time

Be consistent with credit card payments and bank fees, and make sure to pay on time, as late fees hurt your credit score and result in penalties—and those late fees add up rather fast. “Outstanding payments can take a big hit to your credit score and can also lead to late fees with compounding interest charges,” says Ashley Tran, Assistant Branch Leader at Fidelity Investments.

What’s more, you should also do some digging and check your bank fees, which can vary, and you might be getting charged for services you’re not aware of. “Conventional banks may have hidden or surprise charges like withdrawing money from an ATM outside of the bank’s network, late fees or overdraft fees, so look for firms with transparent pricing, which don’t have these types of fees,” says Tran.

Open all mail immediately, deposit cash and checks ASAP, and pay bills when you receive them. Or set a reminder to pay on a certain date, regularly, as you’ll be more likely to stick with your budget, save on interest and avoid late fees, as well as improve your credit score.

2. Evaluate Automated Services and Subscriptions Each Month

It’s easy to forget about those monthly subscriptions and memberships we all sign up for, whether it’s for a streaming service, like Netflix or Hulu, or a meal kit delivery service, for example. “We recommend checking your credit or debit card statements to see where you can make necessary cuts to these non-essential expenses, as a $10 a month fee cut here and another $8 cut over there can really add up,” says Tran.

Evaluate subscriptions and other services monthly and cancel those no longer adding value. Consider whether you really need Netflix, Hulu, and HBO Max, or might be able to live pleasantly with just one streaming service, instead. Eliminating or pausing when under monetary stress or if you find you don’t get the same enjoyment or use anymore, lets you turn those expenses into savings.

3. Create a Budgeting Timeline

Create a budgeting outline and timeline that’s tailored to your bank account, financial state and current lifestyle, as well as your goals.

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