American News Group

24% of Americans don’t have a retirement strategy. Are you one of them?

Every American needs to work on preparing for retirement, as Social Security alone isn’t enough to live on, so you’ll need savings to supplement it. Unfortunately, a shocking number of people haven’t taken one of the most basic steps in getting ready for life after leaving the working world.

Without taking this first step, it becomes much more difficult to build the nest egg you need to support yourself during your later years. Fortunately, it’s an easy process if you know where to begin.

Millions of Americans haven’t yet made this simple retirement planning move

According to the November 2021 Compendium of Findings About the Retirement Outlook of U.S. Workers prepared by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, a whopping 24% of workers do not have any type of retirement strategy. Part-time workers are more likely to be among this group, but some full-time workers are also lacking a plan. 

This doesn’t just mean they don’t have a written strategy. In fact, having a written plan is uncommon, with just 33% of all workers indicating they’ve written down a roadmap to lead them to a secure retirement. This 24% of employees have no plan at all for how they will support themselves after their paychecks stop coming.

This can be a huge problem, since Social Security replaces only 40% of preretirement earnings. That’s not even close to enough money to cover the necessities or maintain your standard of living after an employer stops providing you with income.

How can you create a retirement strategy?

If you want to make certain you’re financially prepared for a comfortable retirement, ideally you won’t just join the 76% of workers with some type of retirement plan. Instead, you’ll be part of the one-third who actually have a written plan.

The good news is, it’s really not that hard to create one. To develop a retirement strategy:

By simply taking these four steps and writing down your plan for how much to invest and what to invest in, you can go a long way toward making sure you’re ready to support yourself once your paychecks come to an end.

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