Surface Duo teasers from Microsoft execs suggest it’s almost here

Perhaps rumors of its delay were slightly exaggerated. Or perhaps Microsoft is just trying to drum up hype considering Samsung’s big event in two weeks. Either way, it definitely doesn’t sound like a coincidence that three of Microsoft’s top brass teased the Surface Duo in the span of a few days, just as the device has reportedly passed some certification agencies. If anything, these seem to hint that Microsoft’s first dual-screen foldable device is just around the corner, ready to prove it might be a better solution than the Galaxy Z Fold 2.

Corporate VP for Modern Life and Devices Liat Ben-zur actually kicked off the series last week when she showed a single Surface Duo running two different math apps for her two kids. The positioning was clearly for show because that is hardly the most efficient way for two people to use the device but it does point to the possibilities especially in tent mode. Then again, the smaller screen size could be a problem compared to the indefinitely-delayed Surface Neo.

Then came CVP of Commercial Management Experiences Brad Anderson, who also teased the same device two months ago. No shot of the screen this time, just a brief cameo on Microsoft’s The Shiproom podcast as a behind-the-scenes look (video courtesy of MSPoweruser).

Last but definitely not the least, Joe Belfiore made a “one other thing” reference to the Surface Duo in his hand as his family went for a day at Disneyworld. No comment on the timing of that trip but at least the Surface Duo definitely seems to be going places.

Microsoft is clearly trying to build up some excitement for a device that, at least based on the core specs, shouldn’t be exciting at all. Its success will really depend on the dual-screen experience which, at least for now, Microsoft seems to be very committed to. After a probable FCC sighting and Bluetooth certification last week, the device was also seen in a Canadian certification, giving hope that it won’t be a US-only affair.

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