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How a little bit of prep work can help you save money on your grocery bill

Food is a priority when it comes to your weekly and monthly budgets. But sometimes your that grocery bill can feel as daunting as a car note. There are small ways to cut back which can add up to big savings.

The Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates a family of four with children under 5-years-old spends $756.20 to $933.10 per month for a low-to moderate-cost food budget. If you look at this chart and see your average monthly grocery spending falls below these estimates, then you’re already on the path to low grocery costs. However, if you notice you could trim back a bit, there are some ways to do that. The biggest trick to saving money at the grocery store is prep work.

Do the prep work before getting to the store

Meal planning and bargain-hunting are what saves you the most money. It’s not always big savings upfront, but it’s the 10, 25, 50 cent savings you make on each item per grocery trip that adds up to big savings at the end of the year. Flipp is a good way to do that prep work. The app is like a digital version of those penny saver papers you get in the mail. It shows you weekly deals at local and big-name stores near you. If you plan your shopping trips around these deals, you’ll likely come away saving a few bucks.

Take advantage of store apps and rewards

Don’t get distracted with nonessential items just because it’s on sale. Discipline and consistency are what pay off on your receipts. So, if you shop at the same store every week, take advantage of those rewards apps, like the one at Albertsons. Scrolling through deals and earning rewards will benefit you in the long run. Plus, the apps usually tally up your total savings over time, so you can really see your hard work add up and pay off.

Plan your shopping days wisely

While you’re in your favorite store, ask about their sale rotations. Some stores rotate their sales on a Wednesday, so you may be able to find more items on your list at lower prices. Not all stores choose the same day to do this, though. Ask a store employee for more on this.

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